Finding the Right Air Filter for Your Home

Finding the Right Air Filter for Your Home

The right air filter can help you achieve good air quality in your home. It can also help increase the efficiency of your HVAC system. However, using the wrong air filter has some consequences. The wrong air filter can cause harm to your HVAC system and even cause it to fail. 


So, how do you know which air filter is right for your home? Let’s get started by looking at the common types of air filters that are out there. 


  • Fiberglass filters: These are the most common, do the bare minimum, are cheap, and easily replaced


  • Polyester and pleated filters: These are mid-range filters for people with slight allergies, who live in areas with high pollen content, or have pets. They are generally better than fiberglass filters for removing pollutants.


  • High-Efficiency Particulate Arrestance (HEPA) filters: These are the best filters out there with the highest filtration rating. They’re mainly used in hospitals and require special installation.


Now, it’s time to replace your air filter. The first thing you need to do is check your existing filter and get the dimensions of it. Then, write it down. You wouldn’t want to go all the way to the store to get a new filter and then draw a blank when you get there. 


After you take down the dimensions, you’ll have to choose the material you would like. The performance will be affected by the size and density of the material you choose. The cheapest and least efficient filter is the fiberglass filters. 


The more efficient filters are the polyester and pleated filters. These filters provide a greater surface area to trap particles. 


How Often Should You Change Your Air Filters?

A clean filter allows air to pass through your HVAC unit freely, without the blower fan working overtime to draw air in through a clogged filter.  By replacing your air filter every 3-6 months, you decrease any strain on your HVAC system and prolong the lifespan of the unit while decreasing overall operating costs. Moreover, by catching dust and debris, a clean air filter keeps your air ducts from filling with dust and allergens, reducing contaminants circulating in your home’s air.


MERV Rating

Most air filters are labeled with a Minimum Efficiency Reporting (MER) rating number. This rating number tells you what the filter’s ability to remove particles out of the air like dust, dirt, pollen, etc. The higher the number, the better the filter is at that. A MERV rating can range anywhere from 1 to 20. If the filter has a rating of 17 to 20, it’s considered a HEPA filter. These filters are most commonly found in commercial settings like hospitals. 


There are many things you need to consider when deciding what kind of air filter you would like for your home. If you’re still unsure about what air filter is right for your home, contact the professionals at Air Rescue by calling 813 612- 5600 or visiting our website. We can help you find the right one. 



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