Home Efficiency Tips for Air Conditioners

Home Efficiency Tips for Air Conditioners

Are you trying to save a buck or two on your energy bill this summer? If you are you’ve come to the right place. The professionals at Air Rescue have laid out six ways of reducing air conditioner costs to help you save your money. Check them out below. 

Keep Filter Clean

Did you know that by keeping the air filters in your ac unit clean you could cut energy use anywhere from five to 15 percent? Over time, dust and dirt build-up which reduces the airflow. This makes your air conditioner have to work harder. Try to check your air conditioners air filters once a month, and if you notice dust and dirt accumulating, either clean or replace the filter. 

Maintain Ducts and Vents

If you have a central air conditioning unit, it is important that you make sure the ducts and vents are properly insulated. This is crucial in areas of the house that do not have air conditioning, such as the attic. You may want to have a professional from Air Rescue come out and check for leaks once a year. Duct tape may provide temporary repair, but eventually, you will need to get it professionally fixed. 

Another energy-efficient AC tip is if you have rooms in your house that you are not using, such as a guest bedroom, shut the door, and close the vents. This will help save energy costs. 

Check for Leaks in the House

One way to see a big increase in your energy bill is by having leaks throughout your house. It is important that when you are running your AC unit, the cool air is staying in the house. Check for holes where the air may be escaping such as a fireplace, doors, or windows. A good rule of thumb is to check the seals around these areas before turning your unit on for the season. 

Reduce Heat Source

What good is it to have your air conditioner running if you have heat flowing through your house? Yes, natural light is nice, but if you are concerned about saving money on energy costs, it may not be in your best interest to have a lot of natural light coming into your house. During hot days, the sun’s rays raise the temperature in your house. One way to prevent this is to close the curtains or drapes. 

Check where you have appliances such as your television and lamps. It is important that these appliances are not near your thermostat. The heat produced by them can cause your thermostat to think that it needs to work harder in order to cool the room. 

Don’t cook or bake during the hot hours of the day. Temperatures from your stove or oven increase the temperatures in your house, causing your air conditioner to work harder than you would like. 

Use Fans

Consider using fans on milder days to help keep your house cool. While it is unlikely that fans can entirely replace your air conditioner unit, they are a good substitute if you are trying to save money. You could save up to 60 percent on your energy bill if you use a fan on a milder day instead of your air conditioner. If you are able, try to strategically place the fans near entryways or windows, to help create a natural breeze. 

Set Realistic Temperatures

What do you think is the most efficient temperature for your home during warmer months? Were you thinking 78 degrees Fahrenheit? If you were, you are right. When you lower the temperature in your house, you are increasing your cooling costs. While 78 degrees might not be cool enough for you on a hot Florida day, if you are trying to save money on cooling costs, we suggest not going lower. 

It is also important to remember that just because you lowered the temperature in your house by a lot, it will not make your unit work any faster. That means on a hot day, your room will not get cooler any quicker. 

When you call on Air Rescue, you can be confident you will receive superior service and affordable pricing.  Our highly qualified team can provide the necessary repair, maintenance, or service quickly, and we are always ready to respond in case of an emergency 24/7. For more information visit our website or give us a call at 813-358-3431.





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