Maintenance Plan for your HVAC


As the month of February concludes and as the spring season rapidly approaches, a favorite season of many is also just around the corner. TAX SEASON! Okay, it might not be all that glamorous; let’s face it, there are plenty of more fun things to be doing than gathering paperwork and meeting with an accountant. But the reward is SO much fun after all, you’re likely in store for a pretty hefty tax refund that you’ll be getting in the very near future. 


What are you planning to do with your upcoming federal or state refund? Maybe you were thinking about taking a much-needed vacation with your family and friends. Perhaps you wanted to buy a couple of new outfits, or treat yourself to dinner at the nicest restaurant in town.


But sometimes, a significant refund is used for tasks that you previously couldn’t afford, or didn’t have time to pay attention to. Maybe you are lucky, and crucial operating systems in your home, such as your HVAC system, seems to be working perfectly. But if you pay attention frequently to your HVAC system and perform minor and routine maintenance, you guarantee that your unit not only functions correctly for years to come but that you can spend your upcoming tax refund on the things you want to spend it on! Here are HVAC maintenance tips you must frequently perform to save you significant dollars:


Know What you Can and Should Do

When it comes to HVAC maintenance, small things on your part can make a big difference when it comes to having a system that operates correctly. That means regularly checking and washing your air filter (it can happen as often as every month but at a minimum, this should happen every three months), removing outside debris that surrounds your unit, hosing down the unit if it is dirty, and keeping the components found inside the home easily accessible. 


Know what A Pro Should Handle

There are a great many simple tasks that you as the homeowner are safe to correct when it comes to HVAC maintenance. But there are some fixes that require a professional touch. When it comes to tightening electrical connections, lubricating moving parts, inspecting drains, cleaning and adjusting the HVAC blower, and checking the refrigerant, having an expert handle these and other maintenance items are going to guarantee your safety


If using part of your tax refund to make sure your HVAC system is performing at its highest possible quality, then trust your friends and experts at Air Rescue-we will install a system that easily fits your needs and budget. Air Rescue prides itself on providing exemplary customer services. We take every measure to ensure you are satisfied with all your air conditioning needs and will do whatever it takes to earn your business and remain life-long clients.  Air Rescue has been serving the Bay Area since 1946. We pride ourselves on being large enough to provide professionalism and reliability, yet small enough to provide personalized service. To discover more about how we can serve your needs, please visit our website, or call us at 813-375-9982 today. Like us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on current events, tips, and specials. 

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