Troubleshooting Common HVAC Problems

Troubleshooting Common HVAC Problems

Are you having problems with your HVAC system again? Before you decide to throw away your handyman pants and tools, give these troubleshooting tips a try. If you still can’t get your problem figured out, contact Air Rescue!


Check Air Filter

If you’re noticing irregularities in your cooling and heating system, chances are it could be because your air filters are dirty or clogged. If you have a one-inch filter, replace it every month. If you have a two-inch filter, replace it every two months. If you have a four or five-inch filter, replace it every six to twelve months. 


Check Circuit Breakers

Accidentally turning off your power switches or breakers when other appliances are being installed is not as uncommon as you’d think. If you notice any problems with your HVAC systems, we encourage you to check your circuit breakers to make sure the issue isn’t something as simple as flipping a switch. 


Keep Areas Near Vents Clear

Are you noticing irregular airflow throughout your house? If you are, check your vents, ducts, and grills for blockage. A good rule of thumb is to keep furniture, plants, appliances, etc. at least two feet away from your vents. 


Check Your Batteries

When you start to notice irregularities in the airflow in your house, it’s easy to quickly assume that it has something to do with the vents or air filters. However, your problem could be something as little as having dead batteries. If your thermostat isn’t lit up, it’s time for you to change the batteries. 


Clear Debris Off Outside Unit

Another HVAC troubleshooting tip that often gets overlooked is checking the outside unit. If your unit is covered with leaves and branches, it could be reducing the airflow into your home or building.  A good rule of thumb is to keep a three-foot radius around your outdoor unit at all times. 


If you’ve checked all of these HVAC troubleshooting tips and still can’t figure out the problem, it’s time to call the professionals at Air Rescue


We pride ourselves on quality service at reasonable prices. Whether your having troubles with your home or your commercial building, we can help! Contact us today at 813 612-5600 or visit our website



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