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How to Save Money on Commercial Heating and Cooling Bills

Commercial HVAC installtion and servicing is a significant expense for many businesses, but there are ways to save money on these bills. With the right equipment and maintenance plan, commercial buildings can maintain an optimal temperature without breaking the bank. 

If you’re looking for ways to reduce your commercial HVAC bills, here are some tips to consider. 

Change your filters regularly 

The importance of changing your filter cannot be overstated. Filters work like an internal screen that protects against dirt, dust, and other harmful particles in the airflow to keep our homes clean while also preventing costly repairs from occurring due to buildup. The more often you change them out (every month), the better off things will be around your business. Changing your air filter will also save you money in the long run. 

Buy a programmable thermostat 

There are a lot of different settings in the office. It’s not easy to keep everyone happy with their desired temperature. Installing programmable thermostats is a smart and easy way to save money on your energy bill because it keeps a steady temperature instead of overworking your system one way or the other. Expers from Air Rescue will find the perfect thermostat for your business.

Maintenance program 

Commercial HVAC maintenance is like getting a tune-up for your car – both are necessary to keep the engine running smoothly. In addition, regular quality checks ensure that these systems and equipment aren’t wasting energy due to inefficient performance, leading them to wear out more quickly or even cause damage over time. 

Consider an upgrade 

The correct HVAC system can make or break a building. The average lifespan of an air conditioner is ten years. Still, it’s important to change them out when they reach that age because they become more expensive and unreliable than new ones- especially in hot weather where you need a cool breeze the most.

It’s important to have your HVAC system checked regularly to extend the lifespan of your unit. The VIP Plan from Air Rescue is designed with these needs in mind. Whether you have one unit or many units at your business, this plan will ensure that all equipment is well-maintained by our expert technicians, who know how to get the job done right! Contact us today!


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