How to Prepare for a Hurricane: A Checklist for Florida Homeowners
With miles of pristine beaches, mild temperatures and plenty to explore, Florida is a beautiful state. But it also comes with the risk for hurricanes which can cause major damage in their path so you need to prepare! Here are some steps that will help ensure your family stays safe during any natural disaster, according to Forbes Advisor.
What You Can Do to Prepare for a Hurricane
A good strategy for hurricane season is rooted in preparation. FEMA recommends you take the following steps.
- Sign up for local alerts and warnings
- Monitor your local news and weather reports.
- Get a NOAA weather radio.
Prepare to evacuate
- Know your emergency communication plan. This includes contact information for family, school, work and doctors.
- Learn local evacuation routes.
Have a place to stay lined up
- Find the nearest emergency shelter with this FEMA app.
- Stock emergency supplies. A basic disaster supply kit includes water, food, a battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert, flashlight, first aid kit, extra batteries, whistle (to signal for help), dust masks, plastic sheeting and duct tape, moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties, wrench or pliers, manual can opener, local maps, cell phone charger and backup battery. Read more about a basic disaster kit and additional emergency supplies here.
- Keep your car’s gas tank at least half-full at all times.
- Keep your car stocked with basic supplies such as snacks, bottled water, first aid kit, flashlight, flares, wool blankets, a change of clothes, jumper cables and other tools.
- Pick an out-of-state contact to check-in with and report your status.
- Have a place to meet up if you are separated from your family.
- Pack a “go bag.” This should include items such as clothes and medication. Your “go bag” should be easy to carry and kept in a place you can grab quickly in an emergency.
Protect your property
- Safeguard your home against high winds by reinforcing or strengthening doors, windows, walls and roofs.
- Consider constructing a “safe room” that meets FEMA criteria or a storm shelter that meets ICC 500 criteria.
- Bring lightweight objects inside (such as patio furniture and garbage cans).
- Anchor objects that you cannot bring inside.
- Trim or remove trees that are close enough to fall on your home.
- Keep your gutter and drains free of debris.
- Install a water alarm and sump pump with a backup battery.
- Install “check valves” in sewer lines to help prevent flood water from backing up into your drains.
- Stockpile emergency protective materials like plastic, plywood, sandbags and sheeting.
- Waterproof your basement.
- Consider elevating your building if possible.
Collect and safeguard critical documents and records
Place any important documents in a waterproof container, such as:
- Financial documents
- Insurance policies
- Medical records
- Educational documents
- Legal documents
- Other types of documents such as birth certificates and passports.
When it comes to a hurricane, the best way is by preparing and planning ahead. Need emergency repairs or a total HVAC system checkup? When you call on Air Rescue, you can be confident you will receive superior service and affordable pricing. To schedule an appointment, fill out our contact form or call us at 813-358-3431. Ask us about our specials to help you save money while staying cool!