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Five Ways to Pest-Proof Your HVAC System

Though spring brings life, greenery, and some much-needed warmer weather, it also brings something you may not want to see: pests. While pests may not necessarily be coming into your house, they could be living around your home in small nooks and crannies they see as shelter. That’s why you should pay extra attention to…

How to Cut Your Electric Bill in Half

How to Cut Your Electric Bill in Half

As the weather starts to warm up everywhere, you may be seeing a sudden and steep rise in your utility bills. Both air conditioning and heating in areas with extreme weather can cause your energy use to skyrocket, leaving you with a high utility bill that can sometimes be as much as a car payment!…

Man working on HVAC unit

Make Money with Air Rescue’s 2021 Referral Program

Air Rescue is proud to be the Tampa Bay area’s leading HVAC installation and repair provider. With over 75 highly trained, licensed, and experienced technicians, we offer amazing service in both appointment and emergency situations, so you never have to worry about being without heating or air conditioning. We’re thrilled to be your one-stop-shop for…

Ways to Naturally Dehumidify Your Home

Ways to Naturally Dehumidify Your Home

Anyone who lives in a humid climate knows just how uncomfortable humidity can be. Besides feeling clammy, muggy, and generally sticky, dealing with humidity can cause long-term health issues such as dehydration, fatigue, and heatstroke. When your home gets too humid, the first thing people turn to is buying a new dehumidifier to help combat…

Should Your A/C Be Set to On or Auto?

Should Your A/C Be Set to On or Auto?

If you’ve ever played around with the thermostat in your home, apartment, office, or business, then you’ve probably noticed the option to turn your A/C “on”, or to set it on “auto.” Though both will obviously regulate the cool air going through your house, what’s the difference, and which is better for your home? Let’s…

How Do You Find Your Optimal Sleeping Temperature?

How Do You Find Your Optimal Sleeping Temperature?

Nothing’s worse than a night of restless sleep, especially when you can’t find that sweet spot of being perfectly comfortable temperature-wise. You don’t want to be too cold, but being too hot can also keep you from having the sound sleep you’re hoping for. Though it may sound excessive, finding your optimal sleeping temperature is…

Preparing Your HVAC System for the Spring

Preparing Your HVAC System for the Spring

As spring rolls around the corner and we say goodbye to cooler winter weather, you might be beginning to start up your air conditioning and HVAC system to prepare for the warmer weather. But switching your HVAC from heating to cooling isn’t always the easiest transition, and cold weather may have caused some hiccups that…