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How Much is it to Repair or Replace your Air Conditioner?

With the month of December in full swing, it really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Hopefully, with the holiday just a few short days away, you’ve gotten a decent start on your holiday shopping. Whether or not you prefer to do your shopping from the privacy of your living room by browsing countess online stores, or if you’d rather visit your local shopping mall and department stores, we’re sure that as much fun as giving meaningful presents is during this joyful season, being so generous has an impact on your bank account. 


While it’s wonderful spending your hard-earned money on those closest to you at this time of the year, it may put other future expenses in perspective. Since you bought your wife that expensive diamond bracelet, can you still afford to have the car repaired in the near year? Because you wanted your son needed a new bike, is it best to wait to get new appliances in the kitchen?


With our enviable Florida weather, something that always needs careful attention and maintenance is your residence’s air conditioner. But with the credit card close to maxed out, can you truly afford to repair your system in the coming months, before summer hits again? How much is it going to cost to completely replace your system in order to comfortably get through the season’s most uncomfortable days?


According to Home Guide, depending on what area you live in, the average cost to completely replace your current HVAC system is between $4,820 and $9,350. If that figure makes you experience slight sticker shock, don’t go returning any of those Christmas gifts just yet! Take comfort in knowing that that figure includes the combination of not only a new central AC unit, but it also includes a new gas furnace. In other words, you are getting a lot of crucial systems updated at one time! Ductwork, however, would make this average number increase between $6,620 and $12,250 in total, depending on the kind of system and its features that you chose to install. 


While these numbers may be initially jarring to see in black and white, don’t get too anxious just yet. Not only does the type of unit you are installing largely play into your grand total, but so does the size of your home. A house with smaller square footage will naturally need an AC unit that is less complex to install, thus saving you substantial dollars. 


If one of your new year’s resolutions is to install a new HVAC system, then trust your friends and experts at Air Rescue-we will install a system that easily fits your needs and budget. Air Rescue prides itself on providing exemplary customer services. We take every measure to ensure you are satisfied with all your air conditioning needs and will do whatever it takes to earn your business and remain life-long clients.  Air Rescue has been serving the Bay Area since 1946. We pride ourselves on being large enough to provide professionalism and reliability, yet small enough to provide personalized service. To discover more about how we can serve your needs, please visit our website, or call us at 813-375-9982 today. Like us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on current events, tips, and specials.  



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