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How to Choose The Right HVAC Contractor

Spring is on its way and you know what that means? Besides warmer weather, spring means bees, flowers, pollen, and all the other allergens the spring air has to offer. Living in Florida creates an even bigger need for a quality working HVAC, so it’s especially important to know where to start. An easy way to start is by choosing an HVAC contractor. A great contractor will ensure the best working HVAC around and stay cool during those harsh Florida summers. Read below to learn how to choose a contractor. 


Top 3 Things to Look For When Hiring An HVAC Contractor 


  1. Experience & Research: Do your research ahead of time and learn about the contractors in your area. Do they have experience? Reliable reviews and services? Are they Better Business Bureau approved? These are some of the questions to ask when looking for a contractor. A little research can save you from making a huge and losing money in the long run. 
  2. Schedule A Home Evaluation: A home evaluation done by the right contractor will make sure you get the right heat and air conditioning for your style of home. From there, request an estimate to compare and contrast with other qualified HVAC contractors. 
  3. Licensing & Credibility: Another important factor to look out for when hiring an HVAC contractor is their licensing and other legalities. Licensed HVAC technician requirements are different in every state, so do some research for your home state ahead of time. Licensing provides assurance that you are getting a dependable technician up that is up to standard with experience. 

When you call on Air Rescue, you can be confident you will receive superior service and affordable pricing.  Our highly qualified team can provide the necessary repair, maintenance or service quickly, and we are always ready to respond in case of an emergency 24/7. Service you can depend on every time—no competitor can match it and we’ve been doing it that way for more than 70 years. For more information visit our website at or give us a call at 813-358-3431! To stay up to date on our latest news, follow us on Facebook!

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