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The Time to Schedule an AC Tune-Up Is Now

With every change of the season comes a change in your home’s air quality, especially when it comes to your AC. Don’t let the winter go by without a tune-up or you could face some costly damages that can cause even more issues in the long run. Before the next season begins, you should consider an AC Tune-Up. Read below to find out when its the right time to schedule a tune-up


 Reasons Why You Should Schedule a Tune-Up 

As the season’s change, so should your filters. Stop procrastinating and get your HVAC serviced for the new season. In general, you should get your HVAC serviced 1 to 2 times a year. By simply getting a tune-up you can save yourself money and keep your home’s air clean. Read below to learn about the benefits of getting an AC Tune-Up


  1. Saves Money: Around 48% of your home’s monthly energy use comes from your HVAC. So, ensuring that your HVAC is working at its peak performance level is key in saving money. A run down HVAC that needs more energy to work normally will just waste your money. By scheduling a tune-up or diagnostic test you can prevent your HVAC from being one of your home’s pricier expenses. An up to date system will work to its full potential, without having to consume any extra energy. 
  2. Longer HVAC Life-Span: Obviously, if you keep your HVAC in good condition it will last longer. But, as simple as it sounds, a lot of people neglect to even check up on their HVAC. As the season’s transition, the change of air temperature can cause some wear and tear, so it’s even more important to get a tune-up this time of year. 
  3. Cleaner Air: Clean filters, means cleaner air in your home. Dirty filters are one of the most common problems amongst HVAC systems. Dirty filters get congested with debris and dust, causing your HVAC to work harder and less efficiently. At the end of the day, having a clean filter is good for your health and will save you money on your energy bill.

If you can’t remember the last time you had your HVAC system tuned up, call the experienced technicians at Air Rescue. Regular preventative maintenance of your A/C and furnace will not only keep them working for years, but it will also keep them working at peak efficiency, which means savings on your utility bills. Call our team in Tampa Bay, FL, to schedule a total system rejuvenation. For more information visit our website at or you can give us a call at 813-375-9982. To stay up to date with our latest news follow us on Facebook

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